
Pspad tab
Pspad tab

pspad tab

  • Scripting - new functions mainWindowHandle(): HWND, editorWindowHandle(): HWND.

    Wordwrap deactivating will enable Code folding back (if supported for this file) Wordwrap activating will disable Code folding for current file. Code folding can't be used together with Wordwrap.Split same window horizontally/vertically set second window into same position as the first one.Reverse apostrophe in user highlighter isn't autocompleted if isn't set is as string delimiter.In Filetab context menu you can open file in new PSPad instance as admin.TextDiff drop panel was moved from top right to the top left corner.Statusbar icons are high DPI ready and light/dark theme ready.

    pspad tab

    Active file tab highlight when Tab style is selected.In splitted window bookmarks are synchronized.Added mechanism what fix corrupted PSpad.INI file.Next time PSpad will open file as PHP, not as HTML multihighlighter PHP file is open in HTML multihighlighter, user changes highlighter to PHP. When Save file state is enabled, user changed highlighter has priority over HTML multihighlighter.E.g.ASCII chart changes encoding acording to used code page of window (not for unicode encodings) when you click on the status bar.Check and automatic fix of the recent.ini file.PHP code completion - added magic constants.File list from menu window redesigned - you can sort by file name, folders.Put asterisk on the end of FTP connection name. FTP - possibility to set default FTP connection.The settings take effect when the program is restarted Program settings / Direct edit button (Special settings) - added new option UseClearType = 0/1, what allows you to disable cleartype in the editor window.New function in File tab context menu - Open file folder in Explorer.Copy formated text - new function in the Edit menu or editor context menu allows you copy highlighted text into richtext format editor, e.g.Cobol highlighter - extended Code Folding capabilities.Run under DEP (Data Execution Prevention) enabled.possibility to disable triple and quadruple click behavior in program settings / Direct edit button as TripleClick=0.Pipe is used as default, even variable isn't present. User convertors allows you to define delimiter character for lists.Automatic unicode composition (Special settings) is made with clipboard paste and save file too.Autohotkey Code explorer shows hotkey labels too (#::).Left guttter track changes colors are adapting to dark/light background.General highlighter supports user defined regions using #REGION.Char ^Z (1A) removed from binary file detection.HTML export generates inline CSS for selected text (HTML fragment), for non selected generates whole HTML page with CSS definition and references.New Italian spell check disctionary version (Giovanni Maroncelli).OpenSSL libraries updated to 3.0.7 from Sept.If definition is followed by numbers, keyword is highlighted.

    pspad tab

    User Highlighter keyword lists extended of indication "Start with".File tab context menu now contain 2 items for copy file name and file name including path.Optimized application start with previous files, optimized open few files from command line.G-Code user highlighter definition (Arman Hayots).JavaScript Code explorer - added CLASS support.OpenSSL libraries updated to 3.0.8 version.HTML highlighter highlights new pairs FIELDSET, LEGEND.Program settings / Direct edit - HighlughtCurrentFileTab=0 switches off top highlight of the current file tab.Program settings / Colors - Current tab changes top highlight color of the current file tab.Is necessary to insert your API key, links for requesting and inserting API key are on ChatGPT dialog List of FTP connection in popup menu - break after each 15 connections.Search in files - optimization open all result files.If request isn't returned from v35, it's automatically send to v30 ChatGPT version. Added missing HTML tags: portal, slot, template.

    Pspad tab